

When:  Fri 7th March 2025

Time: Between 10.30am & 1pm

Affecting: Bulford Road, High Street (plus all adjoining roads inc: St Peter's Close, Manor Close, Kingfishers, Gilbert's Green, Salisbury Road properties

Why: The repair to the water mains in Watery Lane is more complexed than expected. Installation of a specialist part cannot be carried out with completely empty pipeline, hence more properties due to be affected.

We apologise for this unavoidable disruption and we will have water restored to those affected as quickly as we can.

Water Supply Updates

Water supply updates

At Cholderton & District Water Company, we endeavour to keep our customers updated as much as possible regarding our service provision, and you'll see these updates below.  If you have any queries, please contact our team.


Hosepipes, Irrigation Systems & Swimming/Paddling Pools


                                         A temporary ban on use will be in place as of
Tuesday 11th July 2023


                                         WATER RESRICTION MEASURES: KEY POINTS


  • Water demand has increased by over 30% of the normal summer usage during the last 6 weeks
  • It has been over 7 weeks since the area has had any significant rainfall
  • June 2023 was the driest in the UK since 1940


Over the past year, we have further increased the resources we apply to the detection and repairing of leaks around our network ahead of what is forecasted to be another hot summer for the UK. As we move into July, and with demand remaining high, we have taken the decision to put in place a ban on the use of hosepipes including irrigation systems. The company has always operated a total ban on the use of sprinklers.


The filling and topping up of above ground temporary swimming and paddling pools is also included in the ban.


We appreciate this may inconvenience some our customers. The decision has been made as a pro active measure to help us remain within the terms of our abstraction licence and of course, to preserve as much water as possible over the summer period, reducing the risk of further restrictions being required later on.


Water Saving Tips can be found on our website:


The temporary ban will be reviewed regularly and removed as soon as demand decreases to reasonable levels.


Thank you to all our customers for your ongoing support and help protecting what is globally becoming a very precious commodity.

** IMPORTANT **    Water Situation Report – May/June 2023

The first 9 days of May 2023 had average rainfall but since then, there has been no appreciable precipitation. In the meantime, demand for water has increased significantly by over 30%. 


If this demand continues, the company will exceed the maximum abstraction allowed under its licence from the Environment Agency.


If this were to happen, the company would be heavily sanctioned.  In the first instance this would be in the form of a heavy fine.  Further breaches would lead to an instruction to limit abstraction which would seriously affect ALL consumers.


It is imperative that all customers use water responsibly.  We recommend you read and implement the ‘Water Saving Tips” that can be found here on the website:


If, however, demand remains stubbornly high, it will be necessary to put restrictions on the use of water in place. Initially, this would be a ban on the use of hose pipes followed, if necessary, by a reduction in water pressure throughout the network.  In the worst case, If the Environment Agency were to limit abstraction, cessation of supplies during the silent hours overnight would have to be considered.


We do not wish to implement these restrictions which will inconvenience all consumers. If everyone, without exception, minimises their use of water, restrictions may be avoided altogether.


For the company’s part, our team is employed repairing leaks, assisted by a professional leak detection company. The detection process will involve temporary (1 to 3 hours) of supply interruption. Notice of these interruptions will appear on this site, by email (to those who are registered for updates) and on the village Facebook pages.


You can register for email updates here:


Finally, please remember that we will give anyone who reports a new leak a discount on their next water bill. Potential leaks can be reported here:


If there are any queries about this notice or if help is required, please contact The Estate Office. 

Saving water

July 2022 was an exceptionally dry month, being the second driest July since records began in 1891, with <5mm rainfall in the Cholderton supply area. Demand for water during the month was 25% higher than normal. A further prolonged dry spell in August with no rain at all has lead to a further increase in demand. Notices have been posted in both villages asking consumers to use water wisely.

We must remind you that the Bourne valley is a water distressed area and Cholderton has an absolute limit on the volume of water it is allowed to abstract. 

We continue to urge all business and domestic consumers to make a conscious effort not to use water unnecessarily or wastefully. If everyone plays their part, we may avoid having to place a restriction on water use. Notices warning of a possible restriction on water use have been placed in the local press. However, by making a genuine effort now to use water responsibly you will have a reasonable chance to avoid considerable inconvenience later this year.

If you require further information, please consult the water situation reports at the Environment Agency.

Coronavirus impact

Like many other businesses we have had to change our working practices.

The Estate office will remain shut until such time as it is safe to go back to a normal working environment. In the meantime, our staff are working from home. The telephones have been re-directed and you can call us on the usual numbers. Please be patient if we do not return your call as quickly as you would like.

A single field team is working around the network giving priority to leaks. Adherence to social distancing rules will mean that major works may take longer than usual to complete, thereby prolonging any interruption to supplies. We will post notices around the villages to keep customers informed.  Please note that visits to individual homes will not be possible.

Be assured that we are committed to maintaining a regular, adequate and wholesome water supply.

The environment

The land occupied by the water company is leased from the Cholderton Estate, which is a fully organic farming enterprise. The estate is committed to protecting wildlife, and encourages the growth of native plants in the chalk downland on which the water company’s assets are located.

See our video describing the work being done by the Estate to protect habitats and promote biodiversity.
Water drop icon

We keep this page updated whenever possible. If you have any queries about our service which aren't answered here, please call:

01980 629 203

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