Why: The repair to the water mains in Watery Lane is more complexed than expected. Installation of a specialist part cannot be carried out with completely empty pipeline, hence more properties due to be affected.
We apologise for this unavoidable disruption and we will have water restored to those affected as quickly as we can.
We will miss you! Simply complete the form below and we will contact you with details of your final bill. We will include details of how to pay and how to claim any refunds.
New to our supply area? No problem, we just need a few details to set up your water supply account. Simply complete the form below and we will contact you with all the details you need regarding water.
Spotted a leak? Let us know here. If you are the first person to report a specific leak in our network, you will recieve a £15 reward credit on your next bill as a thank you.
You can send us a meter reading online. Click below to see our meter reading guide and submit your reading.
Planned or unplanned outages can mean a loss of water pressure or in some cases, a complete loss of supply. Click here to see all the latest updates.
Have a question about your bill? Maybe you need a copy bill or a payment card? Let us know here and we will respond shortly.
Find details of all our payment methods including our bank details for online banking payments.
AVAILABLE SOON We are repsonsible for maintaining our water supply pipes. These are the pipes that bring water up to the boundary of the property (and sometimes further) Our responsibilty usually ends at this point but we are on hand to offer you help, support and guidance in the event of a leak on your property.
AVAILABLE SOON Thinking about metering your water usage? All the information you need if you are considering having a meter installed